

1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid; CAS No.: 769-42-6

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

  • Lub npe tshuaj: 1,3-dimethylbarbitbituric acid
  • CAS Tsis muaj .:769-42-6
  • Tso nyiaj CAS: 213833-88-6,41949-07615-73-0,863970-57-4,936361-69-2,95200 3-94-0,959586-34-6,10585-39-7,118497-8326-21-9,1392010-45- 5,1429128-12-0,1030585-39-7,88497-8326-21-9,1392010-45-5,3 42615-73-0,41949-07-9,863970-57-4,936361-69-24-94-0,666-34-6
  • Molecular cov mis: c6h8n2o3
  • Suav cov atoms: 6 carbon atoms, 8 hydrogen atoms, 2 nitrogen atoms, 3 oxygen atoms,
  • Molecular hnyav: 156.141
  • HS code.:29339900
  • Cov Zej Zog European (EC) Number: 212-211-7
  • NSC Naj Npawb: 61918
  • DSTOX Daim Qauv ID: DTXSID0061115
  • Nikkaji Tus Xov Tooj: J135.896K

  • Tshuaj Npe:1,3-dimethylbarbitbituric acid
  • CAS TSIS MUAJ. ::769-42-6
  • Qhov tsis muaj tseeb:213833-88-6,41949-07-9,342615-73-0,863970-57-4,936361-69-2,952003-9 4-0,959586-34-6,105-39-7,118497-8326-21-9,1392010-45-5, 1429128-12-0,1030585-39-7,88497-8326-21-9,1392010-45-5,34 2615-73-0,41949-07-9,863970-57-4,936361-69-24-94-0,666-34-6
  • Molecular Chiv:C6h8n2o3
  • Suav cov atoms:6 carbon atoms, 8 hydrogen atoms, 2 nitrogen atoms, 3 oxygen atoms,
  • Molecular hnyav:156.141
  • HS code.:29339900
  • Tebchaws European (EC) Tus Xov Tooj:212-211-7
  • NSC Naj Npawb:61918
  • DSTOX Daim Qauv ID:DTXSID0061115
  • Nikkaji tus lej:J135.896k
  • Wikidata: 769-42-6.Mol
  • Cov lus txhais lus:1,3-dimethylbarbitbituric acid
  • Khoom Qhia Qhia

    Khoom Ntawv

    Khoom (1)

    Cov cuab yeej tshuaj lom neeg ntawm 1,3-dimethylbarbiturbiturb

    Winds Ntag / Xim: Daj lossis brownish hmoov
    Pro Vapor Siab: 0.0746mmmm ntawm 25 ° C
    ● Melting point: 121-123 ° C (Lit.)
    ● Cov ntsiab lus tsis zoo: 1.511
    ● Boaring taw tes: 228.1 ° C ntawm 760 MMHG
    ● PKA: PK1: 4.68 (+1) (25 ° C)
    Flash taw tes: 95.3 ° C
    ● Psa: 57.69000
    Wensity: 1.322 G / cm3
    ● LogP: -0.69730
    ● Chaw kom Quelg. ::-20a2 number sov

    ● Solubility.:hohot dej: Soluble0.5g / 10 ml, ntshiab, tsis muaj xim daj
    ● Dej solubility.: ansoluble hauv dej.
    ● XlogP3: -0.8
    It Hydrogen BRonor pub nyiaj: 0
    Hydrogen BRRongle Txais Txais Suav: 3
    Resetable Kev Muab Kev Rotatable Caud suav (0
    ● Muaj tseeb pes tsawg tus: 156.05349212
    ● Cov kab mob hnyav: 11
    Inclexity: 214

    Purity / zoo

    99% * Cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm cov neeg xa tawm

    1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid * cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm reagent cov chaw muag khoom

    Cov Ntaub Ntawv Safty

    ● POTOSSGRAM (S):Khoom (2)Xn
    ● Cov kab mob txaus ntshai: xn
    Cov nqe lus: 22-41
    Proferements Kev Nyab Xeeb Kev Nyab Xeeb: 26-36 / 39

    Zoo siv

    ● Cov Cwj Pwm Smiles: CN1C (= O) CC (= O) N (C1 = O) C
    ● Uses: 1,3-Dimethylbarbituric acid is used as a catalyst in the Knoevenagel condensation of a series of aromatic aldehydes. Nws tseem siv nyob rau hauv cov synthesis ntawm 5-aryl-6- (alkyl- lossis aryl-ees)-1,3-d] pyrimidation synthesionionionionionione derivatives. 1,3-dimethyl barbituric acid (urapidil impurity 4) yog qhov derivative ntawm barbituric acid. Tag nrho cov barbituric acid derivatives uas tau tshaj tawm tias tau hais hypnootic kev ua si yog kev cuam tshuam hauv 5-txoj hauj lwm.

    1,3-dimethylbarbarbituric acid, tseem hu ua barbital, yog cov tshuaj lom neeg nrog cov mis molecular cov mis c6h8n2o3. Nws yog cov hmoov dawb dawb uas yog siv tau ua ib qho tshuaj sedative thiab hypnotic. Nws zwm rau hauv chav kawm ntawm cov tshuaj hu ua barbiturates raws li benpiturates raws li benpitaling ua haujlwm los ntawm kev nyuaj siab lub hlwb lub paj hlwb, tsim sedatat thiab hypn cov teebmeem zoo thiab hypnotic. Nws yog feem ntau siv los kho insomnia thiab ntxhov siab. Txawm li cas los xij, vim nws lub peev xwm rau kev quav ntxiv thiab dhau los, nws siv tau tsis yeem nyob rau hauv xyoo tsis ntev los no, thiab tam sim no feem ntau siv hauv cov tsiaj ua veterinary.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa mus rau peb