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Cov khoom


Lus piav qhia luv luv:

  • Khoom npe:N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone
  • Synonyms:M-PYROL(R); 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (99.5%, HyDry, Water≤50 ppm (los ntawm KF)); 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (99.5%, HyDry, nrog molecular sieves, Water≤50 ppm (los ntawm KF)); N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Chaw tsim tshuaj paus; 1-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDONE, REAGENT (ACS) 1-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDONE, REAGENT (ACS) 1-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDONE, REAGENT ( ACS); 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone 872-50-4 NMP N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone; N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone 872-50-4 NMP; 1-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDINONE
  • CAS:872-50-4 : kuv
  • MF:C5H9 Nr
  • MW:99.13 ib
  • EINECS:212-828-1 : kuv
  • Khoom Categories:NMP; Tshuaj raw khoom; UV / Vis); GC Headspace Solvents; GC Solvents; Cov kuab tshuaj rau GC daim ntaub ntawv; ACS thiab Reagent Grade Solvents; ACS Qib; ACS Qib Solvents; Carbon Steel Cans with NPT Threads; Heavy Metals; Solvents for LC- ICP-MS; Toxins (lwm yam tsis yog tshuaj tua kab / tshuaj residues); Daim ntawv thov; Kev tshuaj ntsuam dej haus; Tsev Blocks; C4 rau C8; Tshuaj Synthesis; Khoom noj khoom haus &; GC-MS Solvents; Heterocyclic Building Blocks; ICP-OES/-MS; Pyrrolidines; Reagents rau Inorganic Trace Analysis; Solvents for Metal Speciation Analysis; Solvents for Speciation Analysis (LC-ICP-MS); Spectroscopy; Trace Analysis Reagents &; Anhydrous; Products; Solvent bottles; Amines; Heterocycles; Lwm yam Reagents; Cov dej tsis huv Daim ntawv thov; Hloov zog; Amber iav fwj; Kev tshuaj ntsuam xyuas cov tshuaj; Kev tshuaj ntsuam / Chromatography; CHROMASOLV Ntxiv; Chromatography Reagents &; Electrolytes; HPLC &; HPLC Ntxiv Qib Qib Solvents (CHROMASOLV); HPLC / UHPLC Cov Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob (CHROMASOLV); Organic cov kuab tshuaj; semi-bulkents; cov kuab tshuaj (checesch ;Sure/Seal?Lub raj mis; 872-50-4; bc0001
  • Mol File:872-50-4. : kuv
  • Product Detail

    Khoom cim npe

    asdasd 1

    Pyrrolidone Chemical Properties

    Melting point -24 ° C (lit.)
    Boiling point 202 ° C (lit.) 81-82 ° C / 10 mmHg (lit.)
    ceev 1.028 g / mL ntawm 25 ° C (lit.)
    vapor ceev 3.4 (vs huab cua)
    vapor siab 0.29 hli Hg (20 ° C)
    Refractive Index n20/D 1.479 ib
    Fp 187 ° F
    cia temp. Khaws ntawm +5 ° C rau + 30 ° C.
    solubility ethanol: miscible 0.1ML / mL, ntshiab, tsis muaj xim (10%, v / v)
    daim ntawv Ua kua
    pka ua -0.41 ± 0.20 (Tshaj tawm)
    xim ≤ 20 (APHA)
    PH 8.5-10.0 (100g / l, H2O, 20 ℃)
    tsw Me ntsis amine tsw
    PH Range 7.7-8.0 Nws
    tawg txwv 1.3-9.5% (V)
    Dej Solubility > = 10 g / 100 mL ntawm 20 ºC
    rhiab heev Hygroscopic
    lw max 283nm (MeOH) (lit.)
    Merck 14, 6117 ib
    BRN 10 6420
    Kev ruaj ntseg: Stable, tab sis decomposes thaum raug rau lub teeb.Hluav taws kub.Incompatible nrog muaj zog oxidizing tus neeg saib xyuas, muaj zog acids, txo cov neeg ua haujlwm, hauv paus.
    LogP -0.46 ntawm 25 ℃
    CAS DataBase Reference 872-50-4 (CAS DataBase Reference)
    NIST Chemistry Reference 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1-methyl-(872-50-4)
    EPA Tshuaj Registry System N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (872-50-4)

    Cov ntaub ntawv kev nyab xeeb

    Hazard Codes T, Xis
    Risk Statements 45-65-36/38-36/37/38-61-10-46 ib
    Cov lus hais txog kev nyab xeeb 41-45-53-62-26 ib
    WGK Germany 1
    RTECS UY5790000
    F 3-8-10
    Autoignition Kub 518 ° F
    TSCA Y
    HS Code 293319090 ib
    Cov Ntaub Ntawv Muaj Xwm Ceev 872-50-4 (Cov Ntaub Ntawv Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv)
    Toxicity LD50 qhov ncauj hauv luav: 3598 mg/kg LD50 dermal Rabbit 8000 mg/kg

    Kev siv Pyrrolidone thiab Synthesis

    Chemical Properties N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog xim tsis muaj xim rau lub teeb daj pob tshab kua nrog me ntsis ammonia tsw.N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog miscible tag nrog dej.Nws yog soluble hauv cov dej cawv qis, qis ketones, ether, ethyl acetate, chloroform, thiab benzene thiab me ntsis soluble hauv aliphatic hydrocarbons.N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone muaj zog hygroscopic, tshuaj ruaj khov, tsis corrosive rau carbon steel thiab txhuas, thiab me ntsis corrosive rau tooj liab.Nws muaj adhesiveness tsawg, muaj zog tshuaj thiab thermal stability, siab polarity, thiab tsis tshua muaj volatility.Cov khoom no yog cov tshuaj lom me ntsis, thiab nws qhov tso cai concentration txwv hauv huab cua yog 100ppm.

    asdasd 1
    N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog cov kuab tshuaj siv nyob rau hauv ntau yam kev lag luam thiab kev siv, xws li xim thiab txheej tshem tawm, petrochemical processing, engineering plastics coatings, Agriculture chemicals, electronic cleaning and industrial/domestic cleaning.

    1. N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) yog ib qho polar aprotic hnyav uas muaj qhov zoo ntawm cov tshuaj toxicity tsawg, kub kub taw tes, zoo heev solvency, muaj zog xaiv thiab zoo stability.Nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv purification ntawm aromatic hydrocarbon extraction, acetylene, olefins, thiab diolefins.
    2. Nws yog siv nyob rau hauv industrial tu, thiab nws ua hauj lwm raws li ib tug hnyav rau zus tau tej cov tshuaj tua kab, engineering plastics, coatings, hluavtaws fibers, thiab integrated circuits.
    3. Nws tseem tuaj yeem siv los ua cov tshuaj ntxuav tes, tshuaj tua kab mob, tshuaj zawv plaub hau, roj nplaum thiab tshuaj tua kab mob.
    4. N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog cov kuab tshuaj zoo heev, dav siv hauv cov tshuaj tsw qab extraction, lubricating roj refining, acetylene enrichment, butadiene sib cais thiab synthesis roj desulfurization.
    5. Nws yog siv rau hauv cov roj desulfurization, lubricating roj refining, lubricating roj antifreeze, olefin extraction, thiab raws li ib tug hnyav rau insoluble engineering plastics polymerization.
    6. Nws tuaj yeem siv rau hauv tshuaj tua kab mob, ntxuav cov ntaub ntawv rwb thaiv tsev, semiconductor kev lag luam precision instruments thiab Circuit Court boards, rov ua dua PVC tso, ua cov tshuaj ntxuav tes, zas xim ntxiv thiab dispersing tus neeg sawv cev.
    7. Nws yog siv rau hauv nruab nrab rau cov tshuaj tiv thaiv polymerization xws li engineering plastics thiab aramid fiber.
    8. N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog siv los ua polyvinylidene fluoride hnyav thiab electrode auxiliary khoom rau lithium ion roj teeb.
    9. qib purity siab rau ICP-MS nrhiav pom.
    10. Rau peptide synthesis.
    tshuaj lom Qhov ncauj (mus) LD50: 5130 mg/kg; Qhov ncauj (rat) LD50: 3914 mg/kg; Dermal (rbt) LD50: 8000 mg/kg.
    Pov tseg pov tseg Nrog rau lub xeev, hauv zos los yog lub teb chaws txoj cai kom muab pov tseg kom raug.Kev pov tseg yuav tsum tau ua raws li kev cai lij choj.Dej, yog tias tsim nyog nrog cov tshuaj ntxuav.
    khaws cia N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog hygroscopic ( khaws noo noo) tab sis ruaj khov nyob rau hauv ib txwm muaj.Nws yuav ua nruj ua tsiv nrog cov oxidizers muaj zog xws li hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, thiab lwm yam. Cov khoom siv decomposition yog tsim cov pa roj carbon monoxide thiab nitrogen oxide fumes.Kev raug ntau dhau los yog nchuav yuav tsum raug zam raws li qhov kev coj ua zoo.Lyondell Chemical Company pom zoo kom hnav hnab looj tes butyl thaum siv N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone.N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yuav tsum muab khaws cia rau hauv huv si, phenolic-lined me steel los yog alloy nruas.Teflon®1 thiab Kalrez®1 tau pom tias yog cov khoom siv gasket tsim nyog.Thov tshuaj xyuas MSDS ua ntej ua haujlwm.
    Kev piav qhia N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog cov kuab tshuaj aprotic nrog ntau yam kev siv: petrochemical processing, deg txheej, dyes thiab pigments, industrial thiab domestic tu compounds, thiab ua liaj ua teb thiab tshuaj formulations.Nws yog feem ntau yog irritant, tab sis kuj tau ua rau ob peb kis ntawm dermatitis nyob rau hauv ib tug me me electrotechnical tuam txhab.
    Chemical Properties N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog cov kua tsis muaj xim lossis lub teeb daj nrog cov ntxhiab tsw ntxhiab.Nws tuaj yeem dhau los ntawm ntau cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob txawm tias nws tau txais los ua cov kuab tshuaj ruaj khov.Nws yog resistant rau hydrolysis nyob rau hauv nruab nrab tej yam kev mob, tab sis muaj zog acid los yog lub hauv paus kev kho mob ua rau lub nplhaib qhib rau 4-methyl aminobutyric acid.N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone tuaj yeem txo mus rau 1-methyl pyrrolidine nrog borohydride.Kev kho mob nrog cov tshuaj chlorinating ua rau muaj kev tsim amide, ib qho nruab nrab uas tuaj yeem hloov pauv ntxiv, thaum kho nrog amyl nitrate yields nitrate.Olefins tuaj yeem ntxiv rau 3 txoj haujlwm los ntawm kev kho thawj zaug nrog oxalic esters, tom qab ntawd nrog cov aldehyes tsim nyog (Hort thiab Anderson 1982).
    Siv N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog cov kuab tshuaj polar uas siv rau hauv cov organic chemistry thiab polymer chemistry.Cov ntawv thov loj suav nrog kev rov qab thiab ua kom huv ntawm acetylenes, olefins, thiab diolefins, roj purification, thiab aromatics extraction los ntawm feedstocks.N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog ntau yam muaj kuab tshuaj.NMP tam sim no tau pom zoo siv rau hauv cov kws kho tsiaj nkaus xwb.Qhov kev txiav txim siab ntawm tus cwj pwm thiab cov metabolism hauv NMP hauv cov nas yuav ua rau nkag siab txog cov tshuaj toxicology ntawm cov tshuaj exogenous no uas tus txiv neej tej zaum yuav raug rau ntau ntxiv.
    Siv Solvent rau kub-kub resins;petrochemical ua, nyob rau hauv microelectronics fabrication kev lag luam, dyes thiab pigments, industrial thiab domestic tu tebchaw;ua liaj ua teb thiab tshuaj formulations
    Siv N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone, muaj txiaj ntsig zoo rau spectrophotometric, chromatography thiab ICP-MS nrhiav pom.
    Txhais ChEBI: Ib tug tswv cuab ntawm cov chav kawm ntawm pyrrolidine-2-ones uas yog pyrrolidin-2-ib qho uas cov hydrogen txuas rau nitrogen yog hloov los ntawm ib pawg methyl.
    Txoj kev tsim khoom N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog tsim los ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntawm buytrolactone nrog methylamine (Hawley 1977).Lwm cov txheej txheem suav nrog kev npaj los ntawm hydrogenation ntawm kev daws teeb meem ntawm txiv neej lossis succinic acids nrog methylamine (Hort and Anderson 1982).Cov neeg tsim cov tshuaj no suav nrog Lachat Chemical, Inc, Mequon, Wisconsin thiab GAF Corporation, Covert City, California.
    Synthesis Reference (cov) Tetrahedron Letters, 24, p.1323, 1983 ibDOI: 10.1016/S0040-4039(00)81646-9
    Kev piav qhia dav dav N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) yog ib qho muaj zog, aprotic hnyav nrog hnyav hnyav, thiab tsis muaj zog.Qhov no tsis muaj xim, kub kub, siab flash point thiab tsis tshua muaj vapor siab kua nqa ib tug me me tsw zoo li amine.NMP muaj tshuaj lom neeg thiab thermal stability thiab yog miscible tag nrho nrog dej ntawm txhua qhov kub.NMP tuaj yeem ua cov kuab tshuaj sib xyaw nrog dej, cawv, glycol ethers, ketones, thiab aromatic / chlorinated hydrocarbons.NMP yog ob qho tib si recyclable los ntawm distillation thiab nkag tau biodegradable.NMP tsis pom muaj nyob rau ntawm Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) cov npe ntawm 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments.
    Cua & Dej Reactions Soluble hauv dej.
    Reactivity Profile Cov amine no yog ib qho tshuaj me me heev.N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone zoo li neutralize acids los tsim cov ntsev ntxiv rau dej.Tus nqi ntawm tshav kub uas hloov zuj zus mus rau ib mole ntawm amine nyob rau hauv ib tug neutralization yog feem ntau ywj siab ntawm lub zog ntawm amine raws li ib tug puag.Amines yuav tsis sib haum nrog isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, thiab acid halides.Flammable gaseous hydrogen yog tsim los ntawm amines ua ke nrog cov muaj zog txo cov neeg ua haujlwm, xws li hydrides.
    Hazard Cov tawv nqaij hnyav thiab qhov muag khaus.Explosive lim-nws 2.2-12.2%.
    Health Hazard Kev nqus pa ntawm cov pa kub tuaj yeem ua rau lub qhov ntswg thiab caj pas.Kev noj haus ua rau khaus ntawm qhov ncauj thiab plab.Kev sib cuag nrog qhov muag ua rau khaus.Rov ua dua thiab ncua ntev ntawm daim tawv nqaij ua rau mob me, ntuav.
    Hluav Taws Xob Kev phom sij tshwj xeeb ntawm Cov Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob: Cov tshuaj lom oxides ntawm nitrogen tuaj yeem tsim hauv hluav taws.
    Flammability thiab Explosibility Nonflammable
    Kev siv tshuab 1) N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog siv los ua dipolar aprotic hnyav, ruaj khov thiab tsis ua haujlwm;
    2) rau rho tawm cov ntxhiab hydrocarbons los ntawm lubricating roj;
    3) rau kev tshem tawm carbon dioxide hauv ammonia generators;
    4) raws li cov kuab tshuaj rau cov tshuaj tiv thaiv polymerization thiab polymers;
    5) raws li cov xim stripper;
    6) rau cov tshuaj tua kab (USEPA 1985).
    Lwm qhov kev siv tsis yog kev lag luam ntawm N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog raws li nws cov khoom raws li cov kuab tshuaj dissociating haum rau electrochemical thiab lub cev kev tshawb fawb tshuaj (Langan thiab Salman 1987).Kev siv tshuaj ua kom siv cov khoom ntawm N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone raws li kev nkag mus rau kev hloov pauv sai ntawm cov tshuaj los ntawm daim tawv nqaij (Kydoniieus 1987; Barry thiab Bennett 1987; Akhter thiab Barry 1987).N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone tau raug pom zoo ua cov kuab tshuaj rau slimicide daim ntawv thov rau cov khoom ntim khoom noj (USDA 1986).
    Tiv tauj cov tshuaj tsis haum N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone yog cov kuab tshuaj aprotic nrog ntau yam kev siv: petrochemical processing, deg txheej, dyes thiab pigments, industrial thiab domestic tu compounds, thiab ua liaj ua teb thiab tshuaj formulations.Nws yog feem ntau yog ib qho irritant, tab sis nws tuaj yeem ua rau mob dermatitis loj heev vim kev sib cuag ntev.
    Kev ruaj ntseg Profile Tshuaj lom los ntawm txoj hlab ntsha.Muaj tshuaj lom los ntawm kev noj tshuaj thiab txoj hauv kev intraperitoneal.Mob me me los ntawm kev sib cuag ntawm daim tawv nqaij.Ib qho kev sim teratogen.Kev sim ua kom muaj menyuam.Cov ntaub ntawv hloov pauv tau tshaj tawm.Combustible thaum raug tshav kub, qhib nplaim taws, los yog muaj zog oxidizers.Txhawm rau tua hluav taws, siv ua npuas ncauj, CO2, tshuaj qhuav.Thaum rhuab mus rau decomposition nws emits cov pa phem ntawm NOx.
    Carcinogenicity Cov nas tsuag tau raug N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone vapor ntawm 0, 0.04, lossis 0.4 mg / L rau 6 h / hnub, 5 hnub / lub lis piam rau 2 xyoos.Txiv neej nas ntawm 0.4 mg / L pom tias lub cev hnyav me ntsis.Tsis muaj qhov ua rau lub neej luv luv los yog cov teeb meem carcinogenic tau pom hauv cov nas uas raug rau 2 xyoos rau 0.04 lossis 0.4mg / L ntawm N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone.Los ntawm txoj kev dermal, ib pawg ntawm 32 nas tau txais koob tshuaj pib ntawm 25mg ntawm N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone ua raws li 2 lub lis piam tom qab los ntawm kev siv cov qog txhawb nqa phorbol myristate acetate, peb zaug hauv ib lub lis piam, rau ntau tshaj 25 lub lis piam.Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride thiab dimethylbenzanthracene tau txais kev tswj hwm zoo.Txawm hais tias pawg N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone muaj peb cov qog nqaij hlav, cov lus teb no tsis suav tias yog qhov tseem ceeb thaum piv nrog cov kev tswj xyuas zoo.
    Txoj kev metabolic Cov nas tsuag yog siv xov tooj cua-labeled N-methyl-2- pyrrolidinone (NMP), thiab txoj hauv kev loj ntawm kev tso tawm los ntawm nas yog los ntawm cov zis.Cov metabolite loj, sawv cev rau 70-75% ntawm cov tshuaj noj, yog 4-(methylamino)butenoic acid.Cov khoom lag luam tsis zoo no tuaj yeem tsim los ntawm kev tshem tawm cov dej, thiab ib pawg hydroxyl tuaj yeem muaj nyob rau hauv cov metabolite ua ntej acid hydrolysis.
    Metabolism Txiv neej Sprague-Dawley nas tau muab ib zaug txhaj tshuaj intraperitoneal (45 mg / kg) ntawm radiolabeled 1 -methyl-2-pyrrolidone.Plasma qib ntawm radioactivity thiab compound tau soj ntsuam rau rau 6 teev thiab cov txiaj ntsig tau pom tias muaj kev faib tawm sai sai uas tau ua raws li theem kev tshem tawm qeeb.Tus nqi loj ntawm daim ntawv lo tau tawm hauv cov zis hauv 12 teev thiab suav txog kwv yees li 75% ntawm cov ntawv sau npe.Nees nkaum plaub teev tom qab noj tshuaj, cumulative excretion ( zis) yog kwv yees li 80% ntawm cov koob tshuaj.Ob lub nplhaib- thiab methyl-labeled hom tau siv, nrog rau ob qho tib si [14C]- thiab [3H]-labeled l-methyl-2-pyrrolidone.Thawj daim ntawv sau npe piv tau khaws cia thaum thawj 6 teev tom qab noj.Tom qab 6 teev, daim siab thiab cov hnyuv tau pom tias muaj cov khoom siv hluav taws xob ntau tshaj plaws, kwv yees li 2-4% ntawm cov koob tshuaj.Cov xov tooj cua me me tau pom nyob rau hauv cov kua tsib los yog cua ua pa.Kev ua haujlwm siab ua kua chromatography ntawm cov zis tau pom tias muaj ib qho loj thiab ob qho me me metabolites.Cov metabolite loj (70-75% ntawm cov tshuaj radioactive tshuaj) tau soj ntsuam los ntawm cov kua chromatography-mass spectrometry thiab roj chromatography-mass spectrometry thiab tau npaj siab ua 3- lossis 5-hydroxy-l-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (Wells. 1987).
    Txoj kev Purification Qhuav cov pyrrolidone los ntawm kev tshem tawm dej raws li * benzene azeotrope.Fractionally distil ntawm 10 torr los ntawm 100-cm kem ntim nrog iav helices.[Adelman J Org Chem 29 1837 1964, McElvain & Vozza J Am Chem Soc 71 896 1949.] Cov hydrochloride muaj m 86-88o (los ntawm EtOH lossis Me2CO/EtOH) [Reppe et al.Justus Liebigs Ann Chem 596 1 1955].[Beilstein 21 II 213, 21 III/IV 3145, 21/6 V 321.]

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb